Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A day in the life of my kids

Is it a given at any one elses house that before Dad goes to work you have to have horsey rides. Cause it is at my house and my kids love it.
My motherly Kira is always trying to help out with Dax and giving him a gogurt and that he can squirt on his tray and play in it while she feeds him is a big help. :)
He is perfectly happy and that is all that matters

My cool dude. He loves sunglasses and will wear them around every where but he expects a woowoo cool dude to be said to him while they are on.
Rides in laundry baskets are the best aren't they?! Why do I buy my kids toys when thye love to use their imagination and invent new things to do.

Dax just being helpful like always, but as you notice there is his baby that he loves carrying around.

I love my life even if I think I am going crazy sometimes my kids will always put a smile on my face.

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