Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our First trip to Bear Lake for the Summer

Lovin' the watermelon. Trae think it is a must to bring watermelon to the lake so he was really enjoying eating the biggest pieces he could find.
Dax even got some of the goodness and quite enjoyed himself.

Wearing my hat he was just all smiles and thought he was so funny. But he is sure darn cute!!

Trae was working on his swing while we were there. He is liking the sport of golf.
Kira loved lounging in the chairs she would take anyones if they left.
And of course the swings are always a hit. Kira would go around asking anyone if they would push her on the swings. Everyone was a trooper to push her.
Gotta love Bear Lake Trae says we are moving there for the summer.


Unknown said...

Um, pretty sure you have really cute kids :)

The Holt Family said...

Looks like you guys are having a fabulous summer so far! Watermelon is the best too, for summer time!!! Also love the house it has great curb appeal ;) Can't wait to get back to Az and live in a house again. Hope all is well!