Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kira's First Dance Class

Since we are in Soda Springs for a bit Kira wanted to tap tap with Grandma Sue. She did pretty good. When she didn't want to do something she wouldn't. I had to hurry back from my doctors appointment so she could dance so we were like 7 minutes late so at first she just went in her shorts but she didn't like that so we had to hurry and change into her leo but she wasn't a big fan at first of her ballet shoes cause they don't make sound. But she did great and enjoyed herself. My videos aren't working so I will try again tomorrow.

She was twirling and fell while everyone else was doing ballet
She needed to rest for a bit by brother. He went and got his dance pants and shirt and just wanted to dance as well or something. He didn't think it was fair that Kira got to do something and he didn't. But he is going to take gymnastics in Oct. but he just doesn't want to wait.
Jump out jump in


Stacey said...

Oh ballet...I love to watch them explore new things.

She looks adorable!

Unknown said...

Yay for dance class! She is too cute. I hope you can get the video to work.